Bristol WNBR 2017
Sunday 4 June 2017
Not the warmest of days, but we had a fantastic turnout! It never more than drizzled (not like the downpour of 2013) and the grey skies didn't dampen the marvellous mood. But the sun did make a welcome appearance later on in the ride.
This year I've tried hard to reflect the reality of the ride more accurately - there are many more men than women that join in. As always though, it's the riders that make it special :-)
Big thanks to all the brave and amazing riders, the Full Moon for hosting us once again and our second year with the primal drums of Batala Bristol. Special thanks to my fellow organisers and stewards, especially the ride leader Will.
We’re celebrating bikes and bodies. We want to show that cycling is fun.
But we also have a serious message - to highlight how vulnerable cyclists are on the roads. Our roads are still too dangerous for many people to even consider cycling, and far too many cyclists are killed on the roads each year.
Research found that 8 in 10 Bristol residents want better safety for people riding bikes, and 70% of residents want to see more investment in cycling. Improving cycling could make a difference to Bristol's health - only 1 in 3 people in Bristol take regular exercise, and 196 deaths in Bristol each year are attributable to air pollution.
Find details of all the rides at
These photos are deliberately small and watermarked. If you are in a photo and would like a high quality copy, get in touch and I'll send it over. Or let me know if you want your photo blurred or removed.
Would you like more photos? - I'm looking for models.
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